



2.Temperature of America and of Europe.—On this page and the following pages are maps showing the lines of equal temperature for Europe and North America.

Lines of equal temperature, annual


It will be seen that those portions of Europe which have been the seat of the greatest activity and the abode of the highest civilization are situated between the lines of average annual temperature of forty and seventy degrees. These countries are Norway and Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, the Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, —the homes of the races which have colonized the United States. The winter temperature of these lands is between twenty and sixty degrees, and the summer temperature between fifty and eighty degrees—so far as these temperatures are indicated by the lines for February and August.

Turning now to the western side of the Atlantic, it becomes apparent that these conditions are nowhere reproduced with exactness. A glance, however, suffices to show that the United States, as a whole, enjoys substantially the same annual temperature as western Europe as a whole, but the winters are much colder and the summers are much warmer in America than in Europe. A further remarkable fact is also revealed: the annual and the winter temperature lines turn sharply to the south as they approach the American coast and become pinched together. The summer lines, on the other hand, pursue a more direct westerly course, and some of them even trend to the northwestward. The southward trend of the two former sets of lines indicates that the valuable portions of eastern North America are far to the south of the corresponding portions of European lands. For example, the southern end of Greenland and the entrance to Hudson Strait are in the same latitude(sixty degrees north latitude)as the southern end of Sweden, but the winters are very much more severe in the former than in the latter. The cause of the failure of many early colonies is now evident. The old voyagers were ignorant of this great dissimilarity of climatic environment between Europe and America; they expected to find similar conditions prevailing on both sides of the Atlantic. They were further led into a confirmation of their error through the fact that their explorations were made in the summer, when the climatic conditions of the two sides of the North Atlantic most nearly resemble one another. For instance, Weymouth, who visited the coast of Maine in the summer, found a temperature which resembled that of southern France; but the colonists who came over in consequence of his favorable reports found a winter temperature like that of northern Norway.

Lines of equal temperature, February


Furthermore, the charts give average temperatures, and in this way tell only a portion of the story; for the extremes of heat and cold are much greater on the western than on the eastern side of the Atlantic. For example, Savannah has a mean winter temperature not unlike that of Cadiz, in Spain. The actual climate, however, is very different, as there are frosts at Savannah and none at Cadiz. It follows from this that tender trees, like orange trees, will thrive in the vicinity of Cadiz, but will be killed or seriously injured in the country around Savannah.

This difference in the winter temperature of the two sides of the North Atlantic is easily explained: the warm current of the North Atlantic bears the heat of the Gulf of Mexico and the tropical regions of America away from the eastern coast of that continent and gives it to the western coast of Europe. Moreover, the prevailing winds of North America are from west to east, —they are cold in winter and spring, and increase the difference in temperature caused by the action of the ocean currents.






3.Temperature of the United States.—The conditions as to currents of air and water on the western coast of the United States resemble those which prevail on the western coast of Europe. A study of the temperature charts discloses the fact that the lines, as they approach the Pacific shore, spread out to a very marked extent. Thus the line of mean annual temperature of forty degrees reaches the Pacific near the sixtieth parallel, fifteen degrees farther north than it leaves the Atlantic. The case is even more marked as to the winter temperature, as the line of thirty degrees leaves western Europe and western America in nearly the same parallel. The summer temperatures of the Pacific slope, however, are on the whole higher than those of western Europe.

In the interior of the two countries the difference is widely marked. A mountain barrier, the Cordilleran system, traverses the American continent from north to south, and effectually prevents the winds of the Pacific slope from moderating the climate of the interior; there is no such mountain barrier in western Europe. The winter lines, on leaving the Pacific coast, trend sharply southward, and the interior of the continent from the one hundredth meridian eastward has practically the same average temperatures as the Atlantic coast region in the same latitudes, but the extremes of temperature are even greater in the interior than on the eastern seaboard. The cold winds from the Cordilleras and from the frozen regions of Canada sweep down from the west and north, and produce great intensity of cold. On the other hand, in the summer time, hot winds frequently blow from the south and raise the temperature to a very high degree. The effects of these cold and warm “waves, ” as they are generally termed, are very great; the mercury is occasionally frozen in Wisconsin and Michigan, and even on the Gulf of Mexico the thermometer at Galveston, Texas, has been known to fall fifty-four degrees in eighteen hours. The hot waves often produce extremely high temperatures, reaching one hundred degrees in Iowa and the neighboring states, and frequently attaining ninety-two and over even on the shores of the Great Lakes, whose waters moderate the heats of summer.Owing to these conditions, the yearly extremes of temperature frequently reach to over ninety degrees, even on the seaboard, and often to one hundred and thirty degrees in the interior, —variations that are unknown in Europe.

The pinching together of the temperature lines in the eastern part of the United States denotes also another peculiarity of the climate. It means that within the comparatively limited area stretching from the St.Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, agricultural conditions prevail which in the Old World are associated with regions extending from the North Cape to the Desert of Sahara. This led at the outset to the establishment of many different employments with attendant differences of interests, habits of living, and modes of thought. This fact has exerted its influence by dividing the people of the United States into sections and, to a great extent, has determined the political history of the nation.




4. Rainfall.—The temperature of a country determines its agricultural produce; thus Indian corn demands a good degree of heat, while cotton will not thrive without a greater intensity of heat.Corn, furthermore, is peculiarly sensitive to frosts, and will not mature where they occur early in the autumn.Apples will thrive in a region where the winters are severe, but one touch of frost destroys years of growth of an orange grove. Of equal importance is the amount and distribution of moisture. If the rainfall is excessive, the cotton plant, for example, makes a rank growth, or becomes so choked with weeds that it will not grow at all; but if it does not have abundant moisture, it will not thrive.Corn, on the other hand, absorbs moisture from the air, and will grow in seasons of drought, when other plants inevitably perish.

Experience has convinced observers that an annual rainfall of at least twenty inches is essential to profitable agriculture. It is true that a large number of important food plants, as corn, will thrive on a less amount of moisture provided it is well distributed. Unfortunately, however, as the average rainfall decreases below twenty-five inches, the variation in the precipitation increases out of all proportion to the total amount. A diminution of five inches in any one year would make little difference in a region of thirty inches of average rainfall, but it would be fatal to the year's crops in a region of twenty inches of annual precipitation. In fact, districts of less than twenty inches are essentially pastoral, and cultivation is only certain where the average rainfall is over twenty-five inches; although it is possible, but hazardous, in regions of twenty inches.Districts of from ten to twenty inches of rainfall are suited, as a rule, to pastoral pursuits, but below ten inches vegetation of a valuable sort practically ceases. Indeed, a rainfall of less than fifteen inches makes grazing extremely hazardous. On the other hand, a rainfall much exceeding fifty inches produces a rank growth harmful to most plants suited to the soil and climate of the United States, although a few plants, as rice and the sugar cane, demand an excessive amount of moisture.Regions of over sixty inches of rainfall are suited only to these plants, but cotton will thrive when the rainfall is as much as fifty-five inches, and it demands as much as forty inches.

The influence of the rainfall in limiting human activity is clearly shown in the following table, which should be studied in connection with the maps giving the rainfall and the density of population(pp. 321,406,484,584).

Herewith is given a map showing the average annual rainfall of the United States. It at once appears that the country east of the one hundredth meridian enjoys an abundant rainfall, which gradually increases as one proceeds to the east and southeast.Extensive failures of crops are rare, although they sometimes occur from a lack of sufficient precipitation during the growing season; failures from an excess of moisture are even more rare.

West of the one hundredth meridian, especially in the summer, the rainfall rapidly decreases toward the west and southwest—the temperature rising as the rainfall declines. In this way are produced large areas of hot and arid lands ill fitted, or not fitted at all, to cultivation, or even to grazing, unless artificial irrigation is resorted to, excepting narrow strips along some of the river valleys. This dryness is due to the action of the high, cold mountains of the Cordilleran system, which induce excessive precipitation on their westward slopes. Indeed, by their extent and position, they condemn one fourth of the continent to sterility. The winters of this region are also longer and more severe than those of the country farther east.

This district of scanty rainfall extends to the coast ranges of the Pacific. The valley lowlands of the Pacific, with the exception of the valley of the Colorado, enjoy, not merely abundant moisture, but high temperature in the river bottoms, which rapidly diminish as the altitude increases. The result of these conditions is a marvelous cultivation; oranges and wheat grow within a comparatively short distance of one another. There are arid districts on the Pacific coast, and the rainfall is not evenly distributed; but the nearness of the rain-bearing mountains makes irrigation comparatively easy. The same system is also applicable to large regions east of the mountains, but the size of the districts requiring irrigation, and the distance of the water supply, make the carrying out of the enterprise exceedingly expensive. The returns from irrigated lands are usually large, and it is to be hoped that means will be found to develop the system in these warm arid regions west of the one hundredth meridian.

Average annual rainfall








5.Land Configuration of North America.—Students of influence of history and geography have long been agreed that, within land config certain limitations as to rainfall and temperature, the physical formation of a country, the character of its soils, and the extent and variety of its mineral deposits exercise a decisive influence on the life of the people which inhabits it. To insure the best development, a country must offer easy access to the outer world. This is especially true of new regions, which require to be colonized from Europe. North America, especially that portion occupied by the eastern half of the United States, offers every inducement to the voyager to reach its shores. The lowlying Alleghany system, which protected the colonies from the savage aborigines of the interior, has proved to be easily surmountable by the railroad of modern times.

Before the days of steam, the Mississippi basin was practically inaccessible to colonists. Many writers speak of the Mississippi and the St.Lawrence as the keys or gateways to the continent. In a limited military sense this is true; but only in a limited sense. The St.Lawrence empties into the Atlantic far to the north, where the winters are severe. Its lower valley is very narrow and is beyond the home of Indian corn, the American food stuff, whose easy culture and great returns made colonization farther south comparatively easy. The lower St.Lawrence is in reality a fiordlike arm of the sea, and is navigable—though with peril—by seagoing ships. At Montreal, the seagoing vessel is stopped by a rocky barrier—the Lachine Rapids. It was easy for the Indian trader or the soldier to evade this and other obstacles to the interior; but it was practically impossible for the colonist to transport his family, implements, and supplies to fertile regions on the southern shores of the Great Lakes.Besides, the St.Lawrence is frozen over for one half of the year, and ice closes the lakes to navigation for nearly an equal period. The Mississippi is not frozen except in its northern portion, and its course is not barred by rocks for thousands of miles; but it offered no less insuperable obstacles to the colonists in its tireless current, winding course, and recurring shallows.Above New Orleans or Baton Rouge it is practically unnavigable by seagoing sailing ships. Moreover, the banks of the lower Mississippi are generally low and swampy and offer no inducement to the settler. It is only at a distance of eight hundred miles from the sea that they become inviting to agriculturists; and it was impossible for the colonist before the days of steam, to transport his family and household supplies so far against the current of the mighty stream. The real gateway to the interior was from the Atlantic seaboard of the United States, through the passes of the Alleghanies or around the southern extremity of that mountain system.

The Pacific coast is less inaccessible. The Golden Gate leads to the great lowland valley of the Sacramento and the San Joaquin; the Columbia affords access to fertile valleys, and Puget Sound opens up another region to the colonist; but a dangerous bar guards the mouth of the Columbia, and the entrance to San Francisco Bay is so masked by mountains, that early explorers did not even suspect its existence. The Pacific slope, moreover, was far removed from the colonizing centers of Europe, and its first settlers came, as a matter of fact, overland from Mexico, and not by water from Europe. A thousand miles of rugged valleys and stupendous mountains separates this region from the Mississippi basin. We will now examine the three geographical divisions of the United States more in detail.




6. The Atlantic Seaboard.—This section extends from the water parting which divides the rivers falling into the Atlantic from those flowing into the Mississippi and St.Lawrence. It is about four hundred miles wide and two thousand miles long. It possesses sufficient rainfall, and a range of temperature such as is found on the other side of the Atlantic from the North Cape in Europe to Cape de Verde on the western coast of Africa, or from north of the Arctic Circle to south of the Tropic of Cancer. It is protected on the west by the Appalachian Mountain system, which extends from outside the limits of the United States to central Alabama. Never more than four hundred miles in width, it is divided into sections lengthwise by fertile valleys more than six hundred miles in length, extending southward from New Jersey to North Carolina. The western range(sometimes called the old Appalachian chain)seldom rises to more than five thousand feet, and is generally tillable throughout. The eastern range(usually termed the Alleghanies)is higher, and interspersed in all directions with fertile valleys.

The most important breaks in this long chain are those between the Hudson and the St. Lawrence by Lake Champlain, and between the Hudson and the Great Lakes by the valley of the Mohawk. The most important river of this region is the Hudson, which is really a fiordlike arm of the sea or a tidal river. For more than one half of its length, it lies between precipitous banks, and the influence of the sea is felt even above the mouth of the Mohawk. The low elevation of these breaks in the Alleghanies can be best understood, perhaps, from the statement that a rise in the sea level of one hundred and fifty-two feet would convert all the country east of the Hudson and Lake Champlain into an island, and a similar rise of four hundred feet would separate from the continent all that tract included between the St.Lawrence, the lower Hudson, the Mohawk, and the Atlantic. This fiordlike arm of the sea and the Mohawk valley were plainly devised by nature to facilitate communication between the fertile lands of the Ohio valley and the sea.Other passes, as Cumberland Gap, lead over the Alleghanies, but none have these easy grades. The seaport which controls the commerce of the Hudson is necessarily the greatest commercial center of the Atlantic seacoast.

The region extending from the Alleghanies to the sea is on the whole of remarkable fertility—not more than twelve thousand square miles of it is untillable. Near the coast are salt marshes, at present of slight use, but reclaimable.Between the mountain crest and the low-lying sea area, there is a sudden break in the continuity of the plain. This point is usually marked by falls in the rivers, which furnish, from Virginia northward, unrivaled water power for the turning of the machinery of mills. The whole region is well forested and suitable to the growth of wheat, corn, tobacco, and cotton. It contains some of the richest coal fields and beds of iron in the world, and is accessible to the sea in a manner comparable with no other land save western Europe. Everywhere splendid harbors, sheltered inland bays, and navigable rivers laid open the country to the seventeenth and eighteenth century colonist, and, in our own day, afford innumerable outlets for the staple products of the country.Great as are the natural advantages of the Atlantic slope, those offered by the Mississippi basin are even greater.




7. The Mississippi Basin.—This section extends from the crest of the Alleghanies to the crest of the eastern division of the Cordilleran system, or the Rocky Mountains, as they are usually termed. It contains not far from one million square miles of land, nearly all of which is suitable to the uses of man. It is a nearly level area, sloping gently from the west and the east to the center, and from the north to the Gulf of Mexico. It is for the most part a table-land, varying from six thousand to three hundred feet above the sea level, trenched by flood-plain valleys along the paths of the principal rivers. With the exception of the flood plain of the Mississippi below the thirty-sixth parallel, the river bottoms are narrow, and the whole basin is free from the diseases and dangers of low-lying countries, to a degree equaled by no other very great river. A better idea of its vast dimensions may be gathered from the statement that the distance from the Gulf of Mexico to the mouth of the Ohio is eleven hundred miles, and from that point to Pittsburgh is fully one thousand miles more.

Measured by the amount of water contributed to the The Ohio main stream, the Ohio is the largest affluent of the Mississippi. A common misconception is to regard the Ohio valley as including only the portion north of the river, probably because of the situation of the state of Ohio. In reality, the valley of the Tennessee is as much a part of the Ohio basin as the valley of the Alleghany. This basin is the richest single division of the continent: the temperature is practically the same as that of the Atlantic slope; the rainfall is abundant; the soil is fertile and admirably suited to the production of corn and wheat, and the mineral resources are exceedingly rich. This basin was forest-clad at the coming of the whites, but there were large spaces of cleared land which could be at once utilized by the settler.

West of the Wabash, one of the tributaries of the Ohio, The prairies, there were no trees except in the river bottoms. This was owing to the Indian practice of burning the grass to provide fresh fields for the buffaloes or bisons. There is nothing in the natural condition of this treeless region as far west as the one hundredth meridian to prevent the growth of trees, and already they are springing up around the homesteads of the dwellers in those districts. West of the one hundredth meridian, until the slopes of the Rockies are reached, the rainfall is too scanty for tree life, and this is true of the Great Basin between the Rocky Mountains proper and the Cascade and Sierra Nevada ranges. This treeless region from the Wabash to the one hundredth meridian, including the valley of the upper Mississippi and the Missouri, is admirably fertile and suited to the growth of corn and wheat, the latter in the northern portion. The winters are severe, the summers are often excessively hot, and the rainfall is sometimes not sufficient for the growing plants. Taking everything into consideration, however, this district is the best wheat and corn country in the world. There are also large deposits of coal, and most valuable mines of iron, copper, lead, and zinc.

The soil of the lower Mississippi valley is exceedingly fertile, the rainfall is abundant, —often excessive, —and the climate is suited to the growth of plants which require a good deal of moisture, as cotton and the sugar cane. The flood plain has been subdued by the erection of dikes, known locally as levees, and only about six thousand square miles of this fertile region is too swampy for redemption, except at great cost. Taken altogether, and weighing the advantages and disadvantages, it may safely be said that there is no other land of its size on the earth's surface so admirably suited to the purposes of man as the basin of the Mississippi.





8. The Cordilleran Region.—The Cordilleran system occupies the whole of the United States west of the one hundred and fifth meridian, with the exception of the upper valley of the Missouri and the valley lowlands of the Pacific slope. It is fully one thousand miles wide on the forty-second parallel. The mineral resources of this district are great and varied; they comprise gold, silver, copper, lead, tin, iron ores, and coal. The climate is exceedingly healthy; but it is too dry for agriculture, except by irrigation, which has yielded large returns wherever tried. The Great Basin in the interior has an altitude of four thousand feet and over; its excessive dryness renders portions of it unfit even for pasturage.

The Pacific coast district includes the valley lowlands of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and of the Columbia and Willamette rivers. The temperature of Southern California is singularly uniform, but in the lowland valley of the Sacramento and San Joaquin the heat is often oppressive. No rain falls in the summer, but the annual rainfall on the whole is abundant, and the country admirably suited to irrigation.Almost any crop can be grown, as wheat, oranges, olives. The mineral resources are great, with the exception of iron; gold, especially, is abundant.

The valley of the lower Columbia enjoys a uniform temperature and abundant moisture; indeed, in places the rainfall is excessive and the climate more nearly resembles that of England than does that of any other portion of America. The soil is deep and fertile, and the forest covering admirable and of great value.Little has been done as yet to develop its mineral resources. The drawback to the use of this splendid region has been the dangerous bar at the mouth of the Columbia, but recently the channel has been deepened to admit the largest vessels.




9.Adaptability of the Continent.—The agricultural and the mining regions are interspersed in such a manner that the greater portion of the country is suited to varied occupations, which are necessary to give the best results in race

development. The climate is also suited to the European stocks. Formerly, it was the habit of foreign writers to depict the American as a thin, lanky man quite inferior physically to his European progenitor, and predictions were made as to the greater deterioration of the race in the future. The application of scientific methods to the elucidation of this problem has dispelled this as well as other delusions of a less critical age.

During the Civil War, the late Dr. B.A.Gould, a man of the highest scientific attainments, measured thousands of soldiers in the Union armies. These were drawn from all portions of the country, and included men whose ancestors had lived on the soil for generations, and also included thousands of recent immigrants from Great Britain, Ireland, and Germany. The results of this long and arduous series of observations were embodied in a remarkable book, from which the following table has been compiled.

It will be seen that the American, instead of being the tall, thin-chested, and light-weighted man he is always depicted as being, is practically as heavy and as stout as his progenitors; he is slightly taller, but only slightly. Furthermore, it is susceptible of proof that the American is longer-lived than his European cousins and fully as able as they to bear fatigue and wounds.

When one considers all these things, —the climate and the rainfall of the United States, its physical configuration, its adaptability to the service of civilized man, its fertile soils and magnificent water powers, its inexhaustible mineral resources, and the effect of this environment on the physical body—one must admit that the European race has gained by its transfer from its ancient home to the soil of the United States.



