Scenario 1

Acme Ltd. utilizes Dynamics 365's out-of-the-box Sales module capabilities to capture leads from across three global sales offices and process them through lead qualification and the opportunity management life cycle.

The following are the three global offices:

  • New York head office, USA
  • London sales office, UK, for Europe
  • Mumbai sales office, India, for Asia

The requirements of Acme Ltd. are as follows:

  • Central reporting of opportunity management at the New York head office
  • Lead-capturing and qualification based on the location
  • Opportunity management

The following steps explain the process adopted by Acme Ltd. for capturing leads, filling in the required information in the lead records, and then qualifying a lead to generate opportunities and closing them as won or lost:

  1. Click on the chevron or arrow to the right of the Dynamics 365 text to display the navigation menu. Click on the Sales CRM module:
  1. Next, click on Sales in the top-left corner, and then click on the Leads entity under Sales:
  1. The browser will be directed to the My Open Leads view on the Leads entity. Click New in the top-left corner to launch the New Lead form:
  1. The required fields, Topic, and Name, with the red asterisk showcase fields that need to be entered before the user can save the record:
  1. Add details regarding the lead contact and company, and set the Lead Source in the header section in the top-right corner of the form:
  1. These steps are outlined in the Qualify stage of the Lead to Opportunity Sales Process business process flow. Existing Contact? and Existing Account? do not apply, as this lead relates to a new contact and a new account. Fill out the remaining fields as appropriate and click QUALIFY:

  1. To move the lead to the OPPORTUNITY stage, select the Qualify option from the command bar. Note that when a lead is qualified, an OPPORTUNITY record is created and the Lead to Opportunity Sales Process business process flow moves to the Develop stage:
  1. In addition, a new CONTACT record is created and populated with the data that was entered in the Lead Contact and Company sections:

The lead record will now be set to read-only.

  1. Navigate back to the opportunity record (by choosing the Develop stage); enter a value for the Est. Close Date and the Est. Revenue in the header section in the top-right corner of the form:
  1. Optionally, the users of Acme Ltd. may complete the fields in the Develop (Active) stage of the Lead to Opportunity business process flow. They may enter a description for the Customer Need and the Proposed Solution. Mark the Identify Stakeholders as complete (note that the contact for the opportunity has been automatically set as the stakeholder for this opportunity):
  1. Optionally, users may complete the other fields in the Develop (Active) stage. To complete the other fields, such as Identify Competitors, it is necessary to create a new Competitor record.
  • The completion of this data enables the reporting process to track closed opportunities that were lost to the competitor. Scroll down to the competitor sub-grid on the Opportunity form and click on the + icon. Then, click on the lookup icon, and, finally, click on the + option to add a new COMPETITORS record:
  1. This will launch the Quick Create form for the Competitor entity on the top of the screen. Fill out the required fields and click Save:
  1. The COMPETITORS record is added to Opportunity. Mark Identify Competitors on the process bar as complete and click the Next Stage link:
  1. The Opportunity record now moves to the Propose stage. Complete the actions in the current stage, and complete the required fields for the Propose stage:
  1. The opportunity is closed, dependent on the outcome of the sales activity. Opportunities can be closed as won or lost from the command bar.

  • In this case, the opportunity was lost by Acme Ltd. to Bluebell XX Ltd., so select CLOSE AS LOST from the command bar:
  1. The opportunity is now marked as lost and set to read-only:

The preceding scenario explains the sale's life cycle, from leads to opportunity, in a case where Acme Ltd. lost the opportunity.