Preface of Frontiers in Chinese Linguistics
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to synaesthesia
1.1 Linguistic synaesthesia
1.1.1 Transfer patterns
1.1.2 Underlying mechanisms
1.1.3 The nature of linguistic synaesthesia
1.2 Linguistic synaesthesia in Chinese
1.3 Research issues
1.4 Overview of the book
CHAPTER 2 Methodology: A corpus-driven approach
2.1 A linguistic synaesthesia identification procedure
2.1.1 Identification of basic sensory meanings
2.1.2 Classification of human sensory modalities
2.1.3 Data collection of synaesthetic expressions
2.2 Overview of extracted data
2.2.1 Distributions of synaesthetic data
2.2.2 Synaesthetic participation
2.2.3 Sensory association
2.3 Summary of the chapter
CHAPTER 3 Mandarin tactile adjectives
3.1 Data distributions
3.2 Tactile adjectives of intensity
3.3 Tactile adjectives of quality
3.3.1 Temperature
3.3.2 Hardness
3.3.3 Sharpness
3.3.4 Dampness
3.3.5 Smoothness
3.3.6 Physical force
3.3.7 Pain
3.3.8 Summary
3.4 Synaesthetic tendencies of Mandarin tactile adjectives
CHAPTER 4 Mandarin gustatory adjectives
4.1 Gustatory adjectives of intensity
4.2 Gustatory adjectives of quality
4.3 Synaesthetic tendencies of Mandarin gustatory adjectives
4.4 Directionality between touch and taste
CHAPTER 5 Mandarin visual auditory and olfactory adjectives
5.1 Visual adjectives
5.1.1 Color
5.1.2 Dimension
5.1.3 Visual situation
5.1.4 Synaesthetic tendencies of Mandarin visual adjectives
5.1.5 Directionality among touch taste and vision
5.2 Auditory adjectives
5.2.1 Synaesthetic tendencies of Mandarin auditory adjectives
5.2.2 Directionality among touch taste vision and hearing
5.3 Olfactory adjectives
5.3.1 Synaesthetic tendencies of Mandarin olfactory adjectives
5.3.2 Directionality among touch taste vision hearing and smell
5.4 Embodiment of five senses
CHAPTER 6 Mandarin compound adjectives combining different modalities
6.1 Synaesthetic patterns
6.2 Compound adjectives combining touch taste and vision
6.3 Comparisons with adjectives involving one modality
CHAPTER 7 From linguistic synaesthesia to Conceptual Metaphor Theory
7.1 Mandarin synaesthesia and theoretical models
7.1.1 Directionality and perceived similarity
7.1.2 Universality and biological association
7.1.3 An incorporated theoretical model
7.2 The nature of linguistic synaesthesia revisited
7.3 A finer-grained account of embodiment
7.4 Summary of theoretical implications
CHAPTER 8 Conclusion
APPENDIX 1 Distributions of synaesthetic uses of Mandarin tactile adjectives in the Sinica corpus
APPENDIX 2 Distributions of synaesthetic uses of Mandarin gustatory adjectives in the Sinica corpus
APPENDIX 3 Distributions of synaesthetic uses of Mandarin visual adjectives in the Sinica corpus
APPENDIX 4 Distributions of synaesthetic uses of Mandarin auditory adjectives in the Sinica corpus
APPENDIX 5 Distributions of synaesthetic uses of Mandarin olfactory adjectives in the Sinica corpus
Frontiers in Chinese Linguistics 语言学前沿丛书
更新时间:2023-04-21 20:08:49