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Chapter 1. WordPress As a Web Application Framework
WordPress as a CMS
WordPress as a web development framework
Simplifying development with built-in modules
Identifying the components of WordPress
A development plan for a portfolio management application
Understanding limitations and sticking with guidelines
Building a question-answer interface
Chapter 2. Implementing Membership Roles Permissions and Features
Introduction to user management
Getting started on user roles
Understanding user capabilities
Registering application users
Implementing the frontend registration
Creating a login on the frontend
Time to practice
Chapter 3. Planning and Customizing the Core Database
Understanding the WordPress database
Exploring the role of existing tables
Adapting existing tables into web applications
Extending a database with custom tables
Planning the portfolio application tables
Querying the database
Limitations and considerations
Chapter 4. The Building Blocks of Web Applications
Introduction to custom content types
Planning custom post types for the application
Implementing custom post types for a portfolio application
What is a template engine?
Persisting custom field data
Introduction to custom post type relationships
Pods framework for custom content types
Time to practice
Chapter 5. Developing Pluggable Modules
A brief introduction to WordPress plugins
WordPress plugins for web development
Time to practice
Chapter 6. Customizing the Dashboard for Powerful Backends
Understanding the admin dashboard
Customizing the admin toolbar
Customizing the main navigation menu
Adding features with custom pages
Using feature-packed admin list tables
An awesome visual presentation for the admin dashboard
The responsive nature of the admin dashboard
Time for action
Chapter 7. Adjusting Themes for Amazing Frontends
Introduction to a WordPress application's frontend
Template execution process of web application frameworks
Web application layout creation techniques
Building a portfolio application's home page
Widgetizing application layouts
Creating a custom template loader
Designing the home page template
Generating an application's frontend menu
Creating pluggable and extendable templates
Extending the home page template with action hooks
Planning action hooks for layouts
Time for action
Chapter 8. Enhancing the Power of Open Source Libraries and Plugins
Why choose open source libraries?
Open source libraries inside the WordPress core
Open source JavaScript libraries in the WordPress core
Using PHPMailer for custom e-mail sending
Implementing user authentication with Opauth
Using third-party libraries and plugins
Time for action
Chapter 9. Listening to Third-party Applications
Introduction to APIs
WordPress XML-RPC API for web applications
Building the API client
Creating a custom API
Integrating API user authentication
Integrating API access tokens
Providing the API documentation
Time for action
Chapter 10. Integrating and Finalizing the Portfolio Management Application
Integrating and structuring a portfolio application
Restructuring the custom post manager
Integrating a template loader into the user manager
Working with a restructured application
Updating a user profile with additional fields
Scheduling subscriber notifications
Lesser-known WordPress features
Time for action
Final thoughts
Appendix A. Configurations Tools and Resources
Configure and set up WordPress
Open source libraries and plugins
Online resources and tutorials
更新时间:2021-07-23 15:23:11