RStudio for R Statistical Computing Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Acquiring Data for Your Project
Acquiring data from the Web – web scraping tasks
Accessing an API with R
Getting data from Twitter with the twitteR package
Getting data from Facebook with the Rfacebook package
Getting data from Google Analytics
Loading your data into R with rio packages
Converting file formats using the rio package
Chapter 2. Preparing for Analysis – Data Cleansing and Manipulation
Getting a sense of your data structure with R
Preparing your data for analysis with the tidyr package
Detecting and removing missing values
Substituting missing values using the mice package
Detecting and removing outliers
Performing data filtering activities
Chapter 3. Basic Visualization Techniques
Looking at your data using the plot() function
Using pairs.panel() to look at (visualize) correlations between variables
Adding text to a ggplot2 plot at a custom location
Changing axes appearance to ggplot2 plot (continous axes)
Producing a matrix of graphs with ggplot2
Drawing a route on a map with ggmap
Making use of the igraph package to draw a network
Showing communities in a network with the linkcomm package
Chapter 4. Advanced and Interactive Visualization
Producing a Sankey diagram with the networkD3 package
Creating a dynamic force network with the visNetwork package
Building a rotating 3D graph and exporting it as a GIF
Using the DiagrammeR package to produce a process flow diagram in RStudio
Chapter 5. Power Programming with R
Writing modular code in RStudio
Implementing parallel computation in R
Creating custom objects and methods in R using the S3 system
Evaluating your code performance using the profvis package
Comparing an alternative function's performance using the microbenchmarking package
Using GitHub with RStudio
Chapter 6. Domain-specific Applications
Dealing with regular expressions
Analyzing PDF reports in a folder with the tm package
Creating word clouds with the wordcloud package
Performing a Twitter sentiment analysis
Detecting fraud in e-commerce orders with Benford's law
Measuring customer retention using cohort analysis in R
Making a recommendation engine
Performing time series decomposition using the stl() function
Exploring time series forecasting with forecast()
Tracking stock movements using the quantmod package
Optimizing portfolio composition and maximising returns with the Portfolio Analytics package
Forecasting the stock market
Chapter 7. Developing Static Reports
Using one markup language for all types of documents – rmarkdown
Writing and styling PDF documents with RStudio
Writing wonderful tufte handouts with the tufte package and rmarkdown
Sharing your code and plots with slides
Curating a blog through RStudio
Chapter 8. Dynamic Reporting and Web Application Development
Generating dynamic parametrized reports with R Markdown
Developing a single-file Shiny app
Changing a Shiny app UI based on user input
Creating an interactive report with Shiny
Constructing RStudio add-ins
Sharing your work on RPubs
Deploying your app on Amazon AWS with ramazon
更新时间:2021-07-16 11:04:20