Applying Math with Python
Sam Morley更新时间:2021-06-11 18:46:07
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Basic Packages Functions and Concepts
Technical requirements
Python numerical types
Basic mathematical functions
NumPy arrays
Further reading
Mathematical Plotting with Matplotlib
Technical requirements
Basic plotting with Matplotlib
Changing the plotting style
Adding labels and legends to plots
Adding subplots
Saving Matplotlib figures
Surface and contour plots
Customizing three-dimensional plots
Further reading
Calculus and Differential Equations
Technical requirements
Working with polynomials and calculus
Differentiating and integrating symbolically using SymPy
Solving equations
Integrating functions numerically using SciPy
Solving simple differential equations numerically
Solving systems of differential equations
Solving partial differential equations numerically
Using discrete Fourier transforms for signal processing
Further reading
Working with Randomness and Probability
Technical requirements
Selecting items at random
Generating random data
Changing the random number generator
Generating normally distributed random numbers
Working with random processes
Analyzing conversion rates with Bayesian techniques
Estimating parameters with Monte Carlo simulations
Further reading
Working with Trees and Networks
Technical requirements
Creating networks in Python
Visualizing networks
Getting the basic characteristics of networks
Generating the adjacency matrix for a network
Creating directed and weighted networks
Finding the shortest paths in a network
Quantifying clustering in a network
Coloring a network
Finding minimal spanning trees and dominating sets
Further reading
Working with Data and Statistics
Technical requirements
Creating Series and DataFrame objects
Loading and storing data from a DataFrame
Manipulating data in DataFrames
Plotting data from a DataFrame
Getting descriptive statistics from a DataFrame
Understanding a population using sampling
Testing hypotheses using t-tests
Testing hypotheses using ANOVA
Testing hypotheses for non-parametric data
Creating interactive plots with Bokeh
Further reading
Regression and Forecasting
Technical requirements
Using basic linear regression
Using multilinear regression
Classifying using logarithmic regression
Modeling time series data with ARMA
Forecasting from time series data using ARIMA
Forecasting seasonal data using ARIMA
Using Prophet to model time series data
Further reading
Geometric Problems
Technical requirements
Visualizing two-dimensional geometric shapes
Finding interior points
Finding edges in an image
Triangulating planar figures
Computing convex hulls
Constructing Bezier curves
Further reading
Finding Optimal Solutions
Technical requirements
Minimizing a simple linear function
Minimizing a non-linear function
Using gradient descent methods in optimization
Using least squares to fit a curve to data
Analyzing simple two-player games
Computing Nash equilibria
Further reading
Miscellaneous Topics
Technical requirements
Keeping track of units with Pint
Accounting for uncertainty in calculations
Loading and storing data from NetCDF files
Working with geographical data
Executing a Jupyter notebook as a script
Validating data
Working with data streams
Accelerating code with Cython
Distributing computing with Dask
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更新时间:2021-06-11 18:46:07